IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 PREVIEW 发布

IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 2016.3 PREVIEW 发布了,这个曾经与Eclipse分庭抗衡到现在到现在占领大部分市场份额并被公认为最高效的Java IDE工具重磅推出了2016的第三个PREVIEW。下面是一些IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 2016.3 PREVIEW的新特性:


1. Refactoring to Java 8(具体特性参看下图)

Now, if you click Alt+Enter inside a non-trivial for-loop, the IDE will prompt you to replace it with an chain of the stream API calls. It supports count, flatMap, map, mapToInt, collect, filter, anyMatch, and other Stream methods. Also, when appropriate, the IDE will prompt you to replace certain code with Map.computeIfAbsent, Collections.removeIf and Collections.getOrDefault.

refactoring to java 8
refactoring to java 8

2. Inspections 不设高亮显示规则 (Inspections with no-highlighting policy),编辑器不突出显示警告或错误的代码,但提供快速修复。


1. Class-level watches,新功能,允许在类级别定义Watch表达式。

idea 2016 3 class level watches
idea 2016 3 class level watches

2. 新增内存视图(Memory view),新插件,可以在调试会话期间探讨在JVM堆中的对象。

memory analyzer
memory analyzer

3. Primitive type renderers

idea 2016.3 data type renderers for primitives
idea 2016.3 data type renderers for primitives

4. Detecting JRE

idea 2016_3 detecting jre
idea 2016_3 detecting jre

Version control(版本控制部分)

1. Log for Git & Mercurial

idea 2016_3 vcs new log
idea 2016_3 vcs new log

2. Resolving conflicts

idea 2016_3 vcs magic resolve
idea 2016_3 vcs magic resolve

3. Syntax highlighting in the Diff and Merge dialogs

idea 2016_3 vcs diff syntax highlighting
idea 2016_3 vcs diff syntax highlighting


1. Parameter hints

idea 2016_3 parameter hints
idea 2016_3 parameter hints

2. Semantic highlighting

idea 2016_3 editor semantic_highlighting
idea 2016_3 editor semantic_highlighting

User interface(UI部分)

1. Flat file icons

idea 2016_3 ui icons
idea 2016_3 ui icons

2. Fira Code font(内置了Fira字体)

idea 2016_3 fira code
idea 2016_3 fira code


We’ve added actions that build Groovy files located in resource folders. They’re available via the main menu Build → Groovy Resources. Build Resources is incremental while Rebuild Resources builds from the scratch.(增加了在资源文件夹中定位构建Groovy文件的功能?)

idea 2016_3 build groovy resources
idea 2016_3 build groovy resources


idea_2016_3 flow
idea_2016_3 flow


idea 2016_3 polyglot maven
idea 2016_3 polyglot maven


idea 2016_3 spring wizard
idea 2016_3 spring wizard


idea 2016_3 grails view
idea 2016_3 grails view

除此之外,JavaScript, ECMAScript 6, TypeScript, Angular 2, CSS, Android, Database都有不小的更新,这里我就不一一列举了!

最后附上IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 2016.3 PREVIEW下载地址: