CKEditor 3.0.2 发布-下载

CKEditor官方今天放出了CKEditor 3.0.2下载地址,作为CKEditor 3.0.1版本的升级版本,CKEditor 3.0.2在功能上几乎没有变化,只是修正了大量的bug,官方建议用户下载最新版本的CKEditor 3.0.2安装升级。
CKEditor就是传说中的FCKEditor项目更名之后的项目。FCKEditor是Java 开发者最常用的在线编辑器之一,FCKEditor针对Java开发了FCKEditor for Java版本,后续又出现了FCKEditor for .Net版本等。CKEditor同样也是一个所见即所得的在线编辑器,CKEditor继承了FCKEditor的全部优点,并重构了很多核心代码让编辑器变得更健壮,更易用。

CKEditor 3.0.2主要有如下变化:

  1. CKEditor 3.0.2新增了一个称之为browserContextMenuOnCtrl的选项,可以通过ctrl键操作默认浏览器的context菜单
  2. CKEditor 3.0.2升级了多国语言的支持,包括荷兰语,希伯来语,日语,挪威语的支持。
  3. CKEditor 3.0.2增加了在style对象中丢失的标记名

CKEditor 3.0.2修复的bug列表:

  1. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 float panel doesn’t show up since editor instanced been destroyed once.
  2. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 fake object is editable with Image dialog.
  3. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 ‘Form Properties’ missing from context menu when selection collapsed inside form.
  4. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 customized by removing ‘upload’ tab page from ‘Link dialog’ cause JavaScript error.
  5. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 IE throw error when pressing BACKSPACE in source mode.
  6. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 ‘IgnoreEmptyPargraph’ config doesn’t work with the config ‘entities’ is set to ‘false’.
  7. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 attribute protection fails because of line-break.
  8. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 UIColor plugin doesn’t work when editor id contains CSS selector preserved keywords.
  9. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 flash object is lost when loading data from outside editor.
  10. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 editor stays visible in a div with style ‘visibility:hidden’.
  11. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 clicking below table caused an empty table been generated.
  12. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 empty context menu when there’s no menu item at all.
  13. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 setting rules on the same element tag name throws error.
  14. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 press ‘Back’ button breaks wysiwyg editing mode is Firefox.
  15. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 unable to access buttons using tab key in Safari and Opera.
  16. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 relative link url is broken after opening ‘Link’ dialog.
  17. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 custom style with same attribute name but different attribute value doesn’t work.
  18. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 ‘Deleted’ and ‘Inserted’ text style is not rendering in wysiwyg mode and is wrong is source mode.
  19. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 ‘CKEDITOR.config.font_defaultLabel(fontSize_defaultLabel)’ is not working.
  20. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 table column insertion incorrect when selecting empty cell area.
  21. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 UIColor not working in IE when page has more than 30+ editors.
  22. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 mouse cursor on toolbar combo has more than 3 shapes.
  23. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 open context menu on multiple cells to remove them result in only one removed.
  24. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 resize handler effect doesn’t affect flash object on output.
  25. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 ‘Remove Numbered/Bulleted List’ on nested list doesn’t work well on nested list.
  26. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 unable to insert ‘password’ type filed with attributes.
  27. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 context menu couldn’t open in Opera.
  28. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 keyboard navigation doesn’t work at all in IE quirks mode.
  29. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 updated link Target field is not updating when updating to certain values.
  30. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 unable to disable submenu items in contextmenu.
  31. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 unable to redo the insertion of horizontal line.
  32. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 ‘Tab’ key is trapped by hidden dialog elements.
  33. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 insert template with replace option could result in empty document.
  34. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 unable to start editing when image inside document not loaded.
  35. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 ‘dialog_backgroundCoverColor’ doesn’t work on IE6.
  36. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 enter key in empty list item before nested one result in collapsed line.
  37. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 checkbox generate invalid ‘checked’ attribute.
  38. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 unable to click below content to start editing in IE with ‘config.docType’ setting to standard compliant.
  39. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 extra
    left at the end of document when the last element is a table.
  40. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys in standards mode are not working.
  41. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 hitting ‘enter’ before html comment node produces a JavaScript error.
  42. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 unable to redo when typing after insert an image with relative url.
  43. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 context menu goes off-screen when mouse is at right had side of screen.
  44. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 undo not available straight away if shift key is used to enter first character.
  45. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 the parsing of nested inline elements.
  46. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 selecting multiple table cells before apply justify commands generates spurious paragraph in Firefox.
  47. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 dialog opening sometimes hang up Firefox and Safari.
  48. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 toolbar collapse button missing tooltip.
  49. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 inserting table inside bold/italic/underline generates error on ENTER_BR mode.
  50. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 avoid XHTML deprecated attributes for image styling.
  51. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 unable to move cursor between table and hr.
  52. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 wrong exception message when CKEDITOR.editor.append() to non-existing elements.
  53. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 dialog layout in IE6/7 may have scroll-bar and other weird effects.
  54. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 inconsistent scroll-bar behavior on IE.
  55. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 preview page failed to open when relative URl contains in document.
  56. CKEditor 3.0.2修正了 ‘Esc’ key not working on dialogs in Opera.

CKEditor 3.0.2下载地址(zip版本):

CKEditor 3.0.2下载地址(gzip版本):

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