Yii 1.0.11 和 Yii 1.1 RC 发布-下载

Yii同时发布了了Yii 1.0.11Yii 1.1 RC版本的下载地址。Yii团队也真够勤快的,直接来了个双发下载。本次发布的Yii 1.0.11是针对之前的Yii 1.0版本的升级版本,同时也是正是版本,Yii 1.0.11包含了10个bug修复和许多功能的增强。主要包括:

  1. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug #608: yiic webapp command may generate incorrect path referring to yii scripts
  2. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug #637: CDateTimeParser::parse() may generate unexpected result offset by the timezone in some environment
  3. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug #639: CJSON::decode() should respect the second parameter recursively
  4. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug #641: CDbCache::gc() is not defined
  5. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug #651: Fixed a bug in Oracle driver that may cause big loop
  6. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug #653: CDbMessageSource does translate messages when caching is enabled
  7. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug #670: Requirements checker page shows wrong minute
  8. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug #691: CUploadedFile::saveAs() may not return correct value for some PHP versions
  9. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug #692: CHtml::listOptions() ignores the HTML options when handling nested options
  10. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug #710: CRequiredValidator does not work as expected when its requiredValue is not null
  11. Yii 1.0.11修复Bug: CQueue::peek() should return the first item in the queue
  12. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #629: Added support for specifying shell command search path via an environment variable YIIC_SHELL_COMMAND_PATH
  13. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #643: Enhanced CAccessControlFilter::expression, COutputCache::varyByExpression and CExpressionDependency::expression so that they can use PHP callback
  14. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #665: Added support for using CStarRating to collect tabular input
  15. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #672: Added Italian translation of error views
  16. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #674: Improved CPgsqlSchema to support auto-incremental column in composite primary key
  17. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #677: Improved CPgsqlColumnSchema to recognize more column data types
  18. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #679: Added support for parsing and creating URLs with parameterized hostnames
  19. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #684: Improved Yii::import() to throw exception when set_include_path fails
  20. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #685: Added support for recognizing “Z” in CDateFormatter
  21. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #690: Enhanced the email validator pattern to capture 99% valid email addresses
  22. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #694: CActiveRecord count methods will ignore criterias that are incomatible with COUNT SQL statement
  23. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #697: Relational AR queries now also invoke CActiveRecord::beforeFind()
  24. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #703: Upgraded autocomplete js code to version 1.1.0
  25. Yii 1.0.11增强了 #715: CHtml::textArea and CHtml::activeTextArea should respect the ‘encode’ option
  26. Yii 1.0.11增强了: Added core message translation in Thai (Peerajak)
  27. Yii 1.0.11增强了: Allow CHtml::label() and CHtml::activeLabel() not to render the ‘for’ attribute when it is set false
  28. Yii 1.0.11修正了 #723: When merging a CDbCriteria with another, the latter’s order clause will take precedence over the former
  29. Yii 1.0.11新增了 #709: Added core message translation in Bosnian language (kenci81)

Yii 1.1本次发布的是RC版本,该版本是继上一个beta版本之后的第一个RC版本,官方对Yii 1.1充满了信心,因为Yii 1.1包含了Yii开发团队和开发社区一年多的心血。本次Yii 1.1带来了很多非常实用的组件例如:CActiveDataProvider, CGridView, CListView, CDetailView等。同时Yii 1.1 RC还包含了如下的变更:

  1. Yii 1.1修复Bug #713: webapp command generates incorrect test bootstrap script
  2. Yii 1.1修复Bug #724: the rememberMe attribute is not validated in generated webapp code
  3. Yii 1.1增强了 #666: Added support for auto-flushing log messages
  4. Yii 1.1增强了 #668: Nested forms generated by CForm will render attributes in the fieldset tag
  5. Yii 1.1增强了 #695: Upgraded HTML Purifier to 4.0.0
  6. Yii 1.1增强了 #711: Added CWebUser::autoRenewCookie to support automatically renew cookie-based login
  7. Yii 1.1增强了: Added CSS class for links generated by CSort to differentiate sorting directions
  8. Yii 1.1增强了: Added CComponent::evaluateExpression()
  9. Yii 1.1增强了: Added CPagination::offset and CPagination::limit
  10. Yii 1.1修正了: CSort.multiSort is changed to sort by single attribute by default
  11. Yii 1.1新增了: Added CDataProvider and CActiveDataProvider
  12. Yii 1.1新增了: Updated I18N data to CLDR and added support for stand-alone month and day names
  13. Yii 1.1新增了: Added CDbCriteria::with to support eager loading via a criteria with this property

Yii是一套高性能,基于组件的PHP框架(PHPLinux最流行的Web开发语言之一,素有Linux下的LAMP开发之说),Yii的特点是快速开发,Yii让用户通过一个简单的命令行工具:yiic 快速创建一个web应用程序的代码框架,开发者之需要在生成的代码框架基础上添加业务逻辑,大大提高了开发效率。


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